
Hello, everyone! My name is Zara Phukan, and this is my personal website which I’ve been building using Hugo and the pre-made “risotto” theme made by Github user joeroe and the contributors to the risotto project.

For some background, I grew up in a smaller town called Bridgewater in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. I moved here with my parents from India when I was about 7, and I used to visit India more often when I had more family living there. Currently, I’m 23 years old and I’m on my second attempt at finishing an Undegraduate Degree. My first time in university was in 2019 at the University of Waterloo studying Mathematical Physics, but I ended up dropping out in 2023 due to some personal health issues. I’m currently entering my first year at Dalhousie studying Applied Computer Science having recovered a lot of my energy and strength. For my long term goals, I’m interested in doing interdisciplinary work in Computer Science.

So why did I make this website?

With this website, I hope to share some of my personal projects and contributed projects which span from the fields of music to programming. I really enjoy learning new skills, and I wanted to take a different approach with learning. Whereas I used to contain my learning into an isolated environment when I was younger, I instead want to take a project-based approach. That means that when I’m learning something, I commit myself to making something (however small that may be) out of the things I’ve learnt and publish them to a wider audience.

So enjoy your stay here, and have a look through some of my posts!


Zara Foo

A mix and mash of my personal and contributed projects!