My First Post


Hello, everyone! My name is Zara Phukan, and this is my personal website which I’ve been building using Hugo and the pre-made “risotto” theme made by Github user joeroe and the contributors to the risotto project.

For some background, I grew up in a smaller town called Bridgewater in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. I moved here with my parents from India when I was about 7, and I used to visit India more often when I had more family living there. Currently, I’m 23 years old and on m second attempt at finishing an Undegraduate Degree. My first attempt was back in 2019 at University of Waterloo studying Mathematical Physics, but I ended up dropping out in 2023 due to a mix of losing interest in my field and some personal health issues. I’m currently entering my first year at Dalhousie studying Applied Computer Science having recovered a lot of my energy and strength. For my long term goals, I’m aiming to work in backend software development and data science.

So why did I make this website?

With this website, I hope to share some of my personal projects and contributed projects which span from the fields of music to programming. I really enjoy learning new skills, and I wanted to take a different approach with learning. Whereas I used to contain my learning into an isolated environment when I was younger, I instead want to take a project-based approach. That means that when I’m learning something, I commit myself to making something (however small that may be) out of the things I’ve learnt and publish them to a wider audience.


Zara Foo

A mix and mash of my personal and contributed projects!
